Published By Itecons
It is an Educational infrastructure, located in the city of Vila Real. The building has two floors and is composed for eight classrooms of the elementary, three classrooms of the preschool, two polyvalent rooms, one classroom for children with special education need, a refectory, a library/ media library, among other spaces. This building consumes electrical energy nearly in all facilities, and natural gas for the boiler of heated water. In the inspection and analyze of the building were made an inventory of the constructive solutions which composes the envelope of the building, as well as the evaluation of weaknesses/constructive pathologies existing in the building. Were even evaluated the quality of the interior air, the energetic consumption with the heating system, (energetic auditing). Although the building is recent with solutions above the reference, even so were identified important opportunities of rationalization almost associated ate the level of of the reduction of costs in the heating of the dishwasher’s waters, in the kitchen; the reduction of illumination consumptions, through the introduction of a more efficient control; the optimization of the use of the heating/cooling systems, through the correct programming of the technical manager system. Were even made several simulations for the building to compare the energy consumption in the existing building, and the consumptions in the same building after the introduction of possible improvement measures. Owned to the glazed areas having only one solar protection by the inside, slightly transparent, was made a simulation where the building, in his south façade has a visor with 0.75 m of width and all the façade length. Relatively to the base solutions, this presents an improvement in the annual consumption of 2%. The collocation of ventilation grids in the glazed areas demonstrates a higher value of annual energy consumption (+33%). This increase of the consumption owns to the fact that the air renovation rate be lesser (mechanical ventilation turn off) promoting the heating increasing of the spaces due to the internal charges (illumination, equipments, occupation), which will be reflected in the heating needs. In the case of the Trombe Wall without solar protection was considered a shadowing visor of 0,75 m through the all façade length to minimize the gains owned to the solar radiation in summer. Verifies that, even with shadow, the Trombe wall without opaque solar protection doesn’t demonstrate improvements. All the other suggested solutions demonstrate lesser consumptions, it is relevant to point the reduction of 12% in the annual consumption for the application cases of green roof and the building painted with a with color which presents a solar absorption of 0,2.