The AdaPT Programme was developed to financially support the acting in matters of “adaptation to the climatic changes” in Portugal. His development was guidance for the terms established in the Memorandum of Understanding between Portugal, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, in the context of the Financially Mechanism of the Economic European Space (MFEEE/EEA-Grants). The program was informed to the needs and contributions of the ENAAC coordination group (RCM n.º 24/2010, 1st of April), the National Strategy of adaptation to the climatic changes.
The operator of the programme is the Portuguese Agency for the environment as management of the Portuguese fund for Carbone, the financially instrument created by the Portuguese government to support the climatic policy. The partner of the given countries programme is the Direktoratet for Samfunnssikkerhet og Beredskap (DSB), Norwegian organism responsible for the areas of Civil protection and climatic changes.