In a time where the economy and climatic changes put new challenges to the productive sector, the “adaptIS project – Collaborative platform for the adoption of adaptation measures to the climatic changes in the industrial and service sector” introduces an innovative approach in the promotion of the adoption of adaption measures to the climatic changes in the industrial and service sector, with relevance in the building and his envelope.
Notwithstanding, the effort which has been made by the scientific community and the qualified entities in the definition of strategies of adaptation to the climatic changes, the last report of Intergovernmental Board about the theme (IPCC), still puts Portugal as a country of major vulnerability to European scale. It is important, however, recognize that it is about a theme of a large spectrum which demands a strong articulation of knowledge, without which won’t be possible to interfere with the wanted territorial and sectoral ranging.
As promoters of this project, Itecons and ANQIP proposes to develop and promote a multisectoral platform which brings the business sectors attention to the need of the risks evaluation and vulnerabilities associated to the extreme climatic phenomenon and consequent adoption of adaptation measures. Through the voluntary and non discriminatory participation of the companies, entities of the scientific and technological system, sectorial associations, central and local administration entities, among others, it will be possible to build a web of knowledge an experience which promotes the diagnoses and the consequent adoption of adaptation measures to the climatic changes in the industrial and service sector, as well as the propagation of good practices.
In a coordinated effort, the promoters of this project have been involved in diagnoses actions, in the development of tools to evaluate the risk and to support the establishment of adaptation measures to the climatic changes related with his experty fields. The systematization of emblematic study cases will bring attention the interest of other entities and proportionate the intended replicator effect in other sectors.
Established as cooperation vehicle between companies and entities of the scientific and technologic system, able to license and regulate, it is intended that this platform minister as an aggregator and diffuser of knowledge about the adaptation to the climatic changes in the industrial and service sector.
Project financed by Financer mechanism Of the European Economic Space of the EEA Grants and for the Carbone Portuguese Fund, in a value of 79.672,00€, in the context of the AdaptIS Program managed by the Portuguese Environmental Agency.