
Itecons, promoter entity of this application, has a vast experience in intervention fields of this project, namely in what concerns to construction, energy and sustainability. It’s a private association without non-profit proposes, which integrates more than 50 entities related to the business tissue,  municipalities and other institutions of the scientific and technologic fields, working as a dynamic interface of knowledge between the University of Coimbra and the industry. The Itecons has own facilities, which allow the investigation applied in thematic innovative areas and support the industry and the organisms of the local and central administration in the service offer of specialized essays, consultancy and formation, offering more than 200 accredited essays for the IPAC. Itecons has been involved in the elaboration of calculus methodologies for energetic certification of buildings, having recently the coordination of activities relative to the elaboration of the new regulation of characteristics and thermal behaviour of buildings. 

The ANQIP, entity partner of this application, gathers recognized knowledge in quality promotion and efficiency of building facilities, with particular emphasis in drainage and sewerage. Besides of being responsible, in 18 Portuguese municipalities, for the evaluation/certification of projects and for regulated inspections in building facilities of drainage and sewerage, the ANQIP developed the voluntary national system of certification and labelling of hydric efficiency of products (more than 500 commercial references), developed Technical Specifications for design and certification of building facilities of rainwater reuse and gray waters and is concluding the development of a model for certification of hydric efficiency of buildings. The ANQIP also developed specific methodologies for the realization of auditing of hydric efficiency  in buildings, having already audited more than a hundred of relevant buildings, having potential reductions of consumption near to 30%, mean values. The ANQIP is an entity with non-profit proposes, which has among his associates (more than 200) are the main universities and polytechnic institutions, the most of the sanitary companies in Portugal, management entities, sectorial associations and technical.