Published By Itecons
Service building, dedicated to education, located in the district of Bragança. The building has a complex geometry, being essentially composed by three corps, which communicates between them through horizontal corridors. It’s organized, mostly, in three floors; having 12 320 m2 of useful areas and even 400 m2 of unheated area (warehouse, storage areas, thermal central). It’s a building with permanently using, with more utilization during the day period, between 09:00h and 20:00h. Nevertheless, during the school time, the utilization could be initiated at 8h30 and end between 22h00 and 23h00. At Saturdays, the school works with classes between 9h30 and 13h00. Additionally and during the day, are developed some events, including weekends. This building uses electrical energy, in almost every sectors and equipments, and natural gas for heating the environment and sanitary waters. In the inspection and analyze of the building was made an inventory of the constructive solutions of the envelope of the building, just as well the evaluation of their constructive weakness/pathologies. Was even evaluated the quality of the inside air and the energetic consumption with air conditioning, (energetic auditing). The main opportunities of improvement identified in the energetic auditing are related with the reinforcement of the thermal insulation in the exterior roof; the substitution of the existing window frames; with the improvement of the heating system through the improvement of the degraded heating circuits, and through the fixation of schedules and working set points; with the optimization of the heating system of the datacenter; with the gradual substitution of the less efficient lights, and with the changing the heating system of the sanitary waters (equipments and circuits).