Published By Itecons
Service building defined by two blocks. One of those is occupied with Primary classrooms and valences of common use (refectory, library, staff room, changing rooms); in the other block operates the kindergarten. The School Centre is located in Coimbra, climatic zone: I1, V2N, and has useful area of approximately 2000m2. This building uses electrical energy, in every sectors and equipments, and natural gas in a heater to support the production of AQS. In the inspection and analyze of the building was made an inventory of the constructive solutions which are part of the envelope of the building, as well as the evaluation of existing constructive weakness/pathologies. Was made an identification of the weak points in a level of thermal behavior of the envelope, also supported with the infrared thermography technology. Was even evaluated the quality of the inside air, the electrical consumptions with air conditioning (energetic auditing), and it was made a dynamic simulation of the building. The main opportunities of rationalization identified are almost associated to the optimization of consumption in the kitchen, to the control of air conditioning systems and to the introduction of envelope adjusts in the envelope which allow not only the energetic consumption but also improve the comfort. In accordance with the dynamic simulation results made, the collocation of ventilation grills in the glazed areas presents a 68% reduction in the annual energy consumption for air conditioning. Besides that, the application of a green roof and the installation of a Trombe Wall are equally good opportunities of improvement, predicting a reduction of 7% and 8,9% respectively, in annual consumption of energy for air conditioning.