Published By Itecons
Cultural center located in the climatic zone of I2, V3, implanted at an elevation about 140 m, designed to receive spectacles, concerts, art expositions, theatre plays, etc. The building was recently targeted of recuperation and it develops for three floors. In the ground level, there are the entrance hall, the administrative area, a backup zone to the stage, dressing rooms, cloakroom, sanitary facilities, projection/rehearsal room and circulation zones. In the first floor, there is an auditorium, with capacity for 140 people, stage, vestibule, circulation areas, and sanitary facilities. In the second floor, there is a studio equipped for several uses with 50 seats and an exposition room. In the last floor, there is a multifunction area (own space for creation, experimentation and presentation of shows) a balcony/cup and a lounge space. The building in analyze uses electric power, in every sectors and equipments. In the inspection and analyze of the building was made an inventory of the constructive solutions which compounds the building envelope, as well the evaluation of the constructive weakness/pathologies. It was made the identification of the weak points at the thermal behavior level of the building envelope, supported with infrared technology technical. It was evaluated the inside air quality and the energetic consumption with the heating/cooling, (energetic auditing). From the thermal characterization of the envelope and from the energetic auditing made, it was concluded that, despite there were some debilities associated to the thermal quality of the envelope, owing to a modest utilization of the spaces, owing to the reduced rational utilization of resources, the building presented in the reference period, a consumption level relatively small. Consequently the rationalization opportunities are few and are mostly associated to the optimizing of consumptions at lighting level of heating systems. It was identified improvement opportunities mostly at the level of consumption reduction in the interior lighting, through the gradual introduction of more efficient lights, through the elimination of consumptions associates to individual heaters, changing the distribution form of the treated air (in the roof-top) to the zones of high headroom; the reduction of AVAC consumptions, in the hotter periods of the year, reducing the thermal gains for the curtain façade; the efficacy increasing of the heating systems of the auditorium; through the introduction of systems of power factors compensation, to avoid the penalizations of the electrical energy bill.