Published By Itecons
Service building located in Aveiro district, with valences of acceptance and support to elderly, namely, day care, home care, nursing home, and also a nursery, FTA (free time activities) and kindergarten. The building has three blocks, FTA/kindergarten, nursing home/daily care/home care, and laundry, with the facades oriented to north, south, west and east. This social center supports about 112 seniors and about 79 children, with resource to 40 employees. Works 365 days, 24 hours/day, without significant variation of the occupation alongside the year. There is some variation in the working hours of the FTA and kindergartner which closes a week for year, in august and there is a decrease of occupation during the school holidays. Social, Cultural and Recreational Center consumes electrical energy and natural gas. The building has, to suppress the heating needs of a centralized heating system with terminal radiators, fed by a natural gas boiler, doesn’t existing any system installed for cooling. This boiler is allocated also to the preparation of heated sanitary water. Do not exist mechanical ventilation systems, besides the mechanical exhaust of the hottes of the kitchens and some mural or ceiling ventilator installed in the SI. In the inspection and analyze of the building was made an inventory of the constructive solutions which are part of the envelope of the building, as well as the evaluation of existing constructive weakness/pathologies. Was even evaluated the quality of the inside air, the energetic consumptions with air conditioning (energetic auditing), and it was made a dynamic simulation of the building. The main opportunities of rationalization identified in the energetic audition, confirmed as improvement measures in the several dynamic simulations of the building, was the collocation of the thermal insulation in the roof, the substitution of the lighting system, substitution of the systems installed for air conditioning and water sanitary heating for other with more energetic efficiency, and the installation of a thermal solar system and photovoltaic solar system.